It would be better that the editors publish a classified advertisement supplement twice or thrice a week and save the general reader from the proliferation of advertisements while scanning the pages for views and news. The newspapers must maintain a balance between news and advertisements. It creates sensible public opinion in favour of good policies and criticises the wrong policies.

The press is the strongest pillar of democracy. The owners and editors of the newspapers must also realise their responsibility to the nation. Thus, advertisements cannot be ruled out. In fact, it is these ads which provide the owners the requisite funds. It must have plenty of commercial advertisements to meet its running costs. However, even the newspaper having the largest circulation is not self-dependent. They try to sensationalise the news to win more readers. They adopt diverse techniques to increase the revenue of their paper. Like all other professionals, the pressmen are also attracted by the lure of the lucrae. It is painful to see that journalists have lost all ethics and professionalism today. Respected Chairperson, August faculty and dear friends, ‘Newspapers ought to contain more news and fewer advertisements’. Prepare a debate for the same on the topic given below: You are chosen for representing your school at the regional level inter-school debate contest. It is the responsibility of media to ensure that they direct their efforts towards building a constructive and balanced society. Then only people can form their opinion and draw an inference on that issue.

It is also the responsibility of media to provide authentic information to the public, ft must be the aim of the media to make people aware with the pros and cons of any issue. The influence of media is increasing day-by-day in the society. It also helps us in making public opinion. It makes us aware with the latest developments of the country as well as the world. Media is the most powerful weapon of democracy. Today I would like to present my views before the august body regarding the role of media. Write a speech in 125-150 words on how media influences public opinion to be delivered in the school assembly. It must be our duty to make their lives as healthy as ours. The Indian workers must be provided basic health facilities. These workers really play a big role in our society. They must be made aware of the importance of cleanliness and hygiene. Govt, must take initiatives to provide health care services to these workers and their families. The authorities concerned must ensure clean and healthy working conditions for these people. They just do it at the cost of their health. But they work even in such conditions only to fulfil their basic needs. We always see them working in inhuman conditions, neglecting their health. It is really a matter of grave concern for all of us that we hardly take care of the health of workers. Respected Chairperson and my dear friends!